
Treating the Whole Person

Dr. Cassan welcomes a variety of different health concerns however she has a special interest in treating digestive complaints, weight loss, athletic performance, and skin health. She believes treating the whole person and finding the root cause is the fundamental backbone of overall wellbeing. She enjoys using many different aspects of Naturopathic Medicine and combines traditional treatments with modern science to find the most appropriate treatment plan for each patient. She enjoys using acupuncture, botanical medicine, nutritional medicine and dietary supplements to help support each patient on their recovery to good health.

In addition to her Naturopathic Medical training, she has additional certifications in Cosmetic Acupuncture and IV Nutrient Therapy. You can find Dr. Cassan practicing at two locations in Winnipeg: Fifth Hair Lounge & Beauty Bar + TheRink: Testify Performance

About Dr. Ashley Cassan ND

Dr. Cassan is a Naturopathic Doctor bringing a fresh perspective to Winnipeg’s natural health community. With the help of an athletic scholarship, she was able to expand her health and wellness passion to receive her Bachelor of Science from Norwich University. Following graduation she quickly discovered a growing demand for natural and alternative healthcare and found her way to Naturopathic Medicine. The profession offered her an opportunity to turn her lifestyle into a passion and career. Once she completed her Doctor of Naturopathy degree from The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, she found her way home to Winnipeg.


Professional Affiliations + Memberships: In Good Standing with the Manitoba Naturopathic Association and the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors.

Book your Appointment with Dr. Cassan